Calendar of events

Convince with an effective pitch

Career workshop (Lille)



Objectifs de l'atelier
Apprendre à se démarquer et capter l’attention de son interlocuteur, par la technique du pitch de présentation.
Améliorer votre impact dans les démarches réseau.

Points abordés
1- LE Quoi : construire son pitch

  • Kesako ?
  • La structure du pitch
  • Les règles d’or pour un pitch réussi
  • Préparation du pitch : choisir les points essentiels

Boîte à outils :

- le golden circle
- Méthode pour mettre en relief son expérience professionnelle et créer l’impact

2- LE Comment : Se différencier à travers sa communication orale

Tester votre pitch de présentation orale et améliorer votre impact dans vos démarches réseau.
S’entrainer à pitcher !


  • des outils concrets et des méthodes pour identifier et mettre en forme ma présentation courte et efficace.
  • une prise de conscience par rapport à mon image professionnelle et un « effet miroir » à travers la dynamique de groupe.
  • un training pour commencer à pitcher, avec efficacité !


Inscription en ligne obligatoire, sur la colonne de droite du site

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Pour profiter de tous les avantages et services et soutenir les actions de votre association, il suffit de devenir cotisant à vie en cliquant sur ce lien ! 

Tuesday 28th January 2020
18h30 - 21h00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 21st January
SKEMA Business School campus
Avenue Willy Brandt - Euralille
59777 Lille
  • 15 € Life long member alumn

  • 20 € Non member alumn

  • 40 € External

Registration closed
Gérante MW Conseil

For the past 15 years, Maïta has been supporting professionals in their professional development.
After graduating from the Ecole des Psychologues Praticiens de Paris and specializing at ESSEC, she spent 12 years in positions of responsibility in the Human Resources departments of major companies, including the Lafarge Group.
She then trained as a coach and set up MW Conseil, a consultancy specializing in coaching, HR consulting and training. Her promise is to help you reinvent yourself, in every transition.

Her specialties:
- Trajectory and professional project construction (orientation, career transitions, return to employment...)
- Occupational health and promoting quality of life at work
- Personal growth and talent development

Félicie HONORÉ
Skills et Compagnie

Félicie supports individuals, managers and their teams in their professional development. Her promise is to restore meaning and pleasure to work and everyday life.
A graduate of the IESEG School of Management, she put her energy and creativity to work in the world of advertising for 12 years. Eager to put people back at the heart of her daily professional life, she became a coach and specialized in Knowledge Management.

Her specialties:
- Consulting for the transmission and formalization of corporate skills - TFC® approach
-Career guidance and retraining coaching
- Team and cohesion coaching
- Collaborative workshops


SKEMA Business School campus

Avenue Willy Brandt - Euralille
59777 Lille
Tuesday 28th January 2020
18h30 - 21h00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 21st January
SKEMA Business School campus
Avenue Willy Brandt - Euralille
59777 Lille
  • 15 € Life long member alumn

  • 20 € Non member alumn

  • 40 € External

Registration closed
  • Add to my calendar