Calendar of events

Know and activate the engines of my motivation (Lille)

Career workshop

This event will be hold in French

Objectif et bénéfices de l’atelier :
La découverte de vos moteurs et de votre « profil motivationnel » vous permet de :

- comprendre et transmettre ce qui vous fait vibrer dans le travail et dans la vie
- identifier ce qui fera réaliser votre potentiel
- vous épanouir dans les domaines professionnel et personnel
Vous repartez avec :
Le SISEM (Self-Implication Strategies for Ethics in Management) est une approche innovante pour identifier les moteurs qui nous propulsent dans l’existence, notamment au travail. Issu de la recherche sur la motivation, il propose une technologie de connaissance de soi basée sur le sens, le plaisir et l’envie !
Il vous permet d’identifier les sources de votre motivation afin de reconnaître comment être à votre place et développer vos talents.

Points abordés :
- Présentation de la méthodologie du SISEM et analyse des moteurs

- Hiérarchie des moteurs et des besoins
- Ma stratégie de motivation
- Diagnostic de mes activités et plan d’action

  • *****

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Wednesday 24th April 2019
18h30 - 21h00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 17th April
SKEMA Business School
Avenue Willy Brandt - Euralille
59000 Lille
  • 15 € Graduate with lifetime contributions

  • 20 € Non-contributing graduate

  • 40 € Exterior

Registration closed
Maïta Watine

For the past 15 years, Maïta has been supporting professionals in their career development or return to work.
After graduating from the Ecole des Psychologues Praticiens de Paris and specializing at ESSEC, she spent 12 years in positions of responsibility in the Human Resources departments of major companies, including the Lafarge Group.
She then trained as a coach and founded MW Conseil, a consultancy specializing in coaching, HR consulting and training. Her promise is to accompany life transitions, to leverage towards a new balance of meaning and growth.

Its specialties:
- Trajectory and professional project construction (orientation, career transitions, return to employment...)
- Occupational health and promoting quality of life at work
- Personal growth and talent development

Félicie Honoré
Trainer, coach and consultant

Félicie helps companies safeguard their knowledge assets, including the skills and expertise of employees and managers, through the TFC approach.
She also supports individuals, managers and their teams in their professional development. Her promise: to restore alignment and serenity at work and in everyday life, and to boost team cohesion by stimulating collaboration.
How do we achieve this? Through creative, tailor-made processes, drawing on her experience and, above all, adapting to demand. She uses the SISEM tool to reveal talents and boost potential, as well as DIWO (Do It With Others) to engage collective intelligence and move forward together on each person's individual objectives.


SKEMA Business School

Avenue Willy Brandt - Euralille
59000 Lille
Wednesday 24th April 2019
18h30 - 21h00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 17th April
SKEMA Business School
Avenue Willy Brandt - Euralille
59000 Lille
  • 15 € Graduate with lifetime contributions

  • 20 € Non-contributing graduate

  • 40 € Exterior

Registration closed
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