
Alan LACAN (Grande Ecole, 2015)

Appointment - Alan Lacan (SKEMA 2015) becomes head of finance at Limonetik.

20 March 2021

Alan Lacan becomes head of finance at Limonetik, in this position since December 2020, under the direct responsibility of Christophe Bourbier, CEO and founder. He is thus responsible for implementing, in collaboration with the general management, a financial policy based on objectives and measurement tools. He plans, manages and coordinates the company's administrative, financial and accounting activities. In this capacity, he is a member of the management committee.
Alan Lacan, Master of Accounting and Finance - (SKEMA 2015), Bachelor of Law, Economics and Management - University of Lille (2013), DUT thermodynamics, mathematics, mechanical structures and geology - IUT of Nancy (2011), has completed the following course:
* 2018-2020: CMA CGM, regional financial controller Canada.
* 2016-2018: CMA CGM, financial controller in Nigeria.
* 2015-2016: GSK, financial analyst.
