Calendrier des événements

[SEMINAR] SCAI "Human-centered AI for human-machine collaboration"





The seminar is organised by SKEMA Centre for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI).


The Research Seminar Series organised by the Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence convenes faculty, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, and alumni for in-depth discussions by recognised scholars on how artificial intelligence creates business, ethical and societal value. The goal of the series is to stimulate interdisciplinary research, campus-wide interactions and networking.




Anyone interested in the subject. No prior knowledge is required. Each seminar is an opportunity to develop reflection and debate with top scholar speakers. 



Seminars will be held on the Grand Paris Campus (Suresnes) and online. Should you wish to attend in person, please send an e-mail to so that you can access the campus. 




Sotiris Manitsaris, Deputy Director, Center for Robotics - Mines Paris, PSL Université.

Jeudi 21 novembre 2024
12h00 - 13h30 (GMT +1)
Date d'échéance des inscriptions : 20 novembre
L'événement est organisé en présentiel et en ligne
SKEMA Campus Grand Paris (Room 3.216)
5 Quai Marcel Dassault
92150 Suresnes
En ligne
  • Gratuit Alumni

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Sotiris Manitsaris
Team Leader at the Centre for Robotics
MINES ParisTech, Université PSL

Dr. Sotiris Manitsaris is Senior Researcher and Science-Technology Project and Team Leader at the Centre for Robotics of MINES ParisTech, Université PSL. He holds a University Degree in Applied Mathematics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, a double Master Degree in Local Development from the University of Blaise-Pascal and the Engineering School of the University of Thessaly and a PhD in Computer Science – Artificial Intelligence from the University of Macedonia. He participated in projects as postdoctoral fellow in Human-Robot Collaboration for the Industry 4.0, the Biomedical Engineering and the Creative and Cultural Industries. He is currently involved in a number of H2020 projects and he has strong collaboration with startups and industrial groups, such as PSA, CRF, SAGEM and a number of Creative and Cultural Industries. His research focuses on movement-based human-machine collaboration and Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence in general. He leads the Post-Master’s Degree AIMove – “Artificial Intelligence and Movement in Industries and Creation”, which is supported by European academic and professional leaders of the field. Moreover, he is the President of the GAIIA Association (Gesture & AI in Industry and Arts) and the Head of IT researchers group at the ElonTech Observatory in law and new technologies.


SKEMA Campus Grand Paris (Room 3.216)

5 Quai Marcel Dassault
92150 Suresnes

Complément d'information (parking, Métro...)

Parking is available. E-mail to enquire.

Jeudi 21 novembre 2024
12h00 - 13h30 (GMT +1)
Date d'échéance des inscriptions : 20 novembre
L'événement est organisé en présentiel et en ligne
SKEMA Campus Grand Paris (Room 3.216)
5 Quai Marcel Dassault
92150 Suresnes
En ligne
  • Gratuit Alumni

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