Calendrier des événements

Web conference: How to find your ikigaï and lead a meaningful life

Online Career conference


Who for?
Those who are eager to know the secrets of the famous “Ikigaï method”. The notion originally comes from the Japanese island Okinawa where the rate of people over 100 years is one of the highest in the world. Ikigaï means “raison d’être” - life purpose - and is one the key component for longevity.

In our society where there is an increasing search for meaning, no surprise the topic has become a hit!

What for?
Understand the concept of Ikigaï and discover some secrets for longevity beyond life purpose.

Addressed points:
Within 60 minutes, you will:

  • Understand what is Ikigaï
  • Learn how to live long beyond nurturing your life purpose
  • Discover coaching tools that can help you identify or just clarify your Ikigaï
  • Experiment some of these during the webconference
  • Revisit the quadrants Role / Ambition – Mission / Vision, taking into account your Ikigaï
  • Reflect on your needs and ask questions to our speaker!

You should have clarified your Ikigaï or life purpose and may want to transform yourself!

The coach:

Our speaker Cyril Regourd has been a Career Coach for the last 6 years. He’s also a trainer in Leardership.

Cyril graduated from EDHEC Business School in 1994. He then worked 4 years in Strategy Consulting and 11 years in Investment Banking. In 2012, he decided to set up his own business “Invicem Management”. Cyril’s mission is to help people become conscious of their big rocks and reach their goals!

Useful information:
The connection instructions will be sent to you by e-mail the day before the event.

Find the webinars' concept, complete agenda, format, rates and practical information here (in French)


Online registration required, on the right column of the site

Pricing: Contributor 5€ / Non-contributor 10€ / Externals 20€

To benefit from your privileged rate, do not forget to log in using your login details. In case of loss of these, click here.

To enjoy all the benefits and services and support the actions of your association, just become a contributor for life by clicking on this link!

Mardi 4 décembre 2018
17h30 - 18h30 (GMT +2)
Date d'échéance des inscriptions : 2 décembre
A distance
Alumni du monde entier
  • 5 € Diplômé cotisant à vie, étudiant

  • 10 € Diplômé non cotisant

  • 20 € Hors SKEMA

Inscriptions closes

A distance

Alumni du monde entier
Mardi 4 décembre 2018
17h30 - 18h30 (GMT +2)
Date d'échéance des inscriptions : 2 décembre
A distance
Alumni du monde entier
  • 5 € Diplômé cotisant à vie, étudiant

  • 10 € Diplômé non cotisant

  • 20 € Hors SKEMA

Inscriptions closes
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