Calendrier des évènements

Alumni Tuesdays - Woman Leadership

Webinaire développement professionnel

Welcome to our Alumni Rendez-Vous!


One Tuesday per month, we organize a free webinar inviting Alumni to talk about a professional topic they cherish and to help our Alumni community to lean or improve professionals skills. 

This month, 3 inspiring women will discuss about "Woman Leadership":

  • Caroline Gautherot-Pettenuzzo (SKEMA 1992), Change and Management Consultant, Business Coach
  • Anne Desrumaux (SKEMA 2006), RTW Operation Director at Balenciaga 
  • Amina Ladjici-Paturel (SKEMA 2016), TNP Consultants Senior Manager

If you are interested in animating an Alumni Tuesday, please contact your Career Manager Clémentine Grattepanche.


See you soon! 

Mardi 12 mars 2024
12h00 - 13h00 (GMT +2)
L'événement est organisé en ligne
  • Gratuit Diplômés

Inscriptions closes
Amina LADJICI (MS, 2016)
Anne DESRUMAUX (PGE, 2006)
Mardi 12 mars 2024
12h00 - 13h00 (GMT +2)
L'événement est organisé en ligne
  • Gratuit Diplômés

Inscriptions closes
  • 46 inscrits
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