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Uncover your Personal Brand, to align your leadership and navigate a meaningful career

Online Career workshop


Who for?

Whether you are a professional in the corporate or the non-profit world, whether you are an entrepreneur, a business owner or solopreneur, or maybe in a career transition phase, this presentation invites you to discover what Personal Branding is really all about and how it can make a significant difference in the way you navigate your professional path.

What for?

Discover an innovative approach to uncover, own and express what makes you unique (we are all unique!!), to align what you do with who you are, and to be in the driver’s seat to develop a meaningful career, whatever stage of your career you are at.

Addressed points:

During this webinar we will discover the process of Personal Branding and the key steps that make it an original path towards a better understanding of yourself, your resources and talents, to dare to stand out and succeed:

  • Defining what Personal Branding is and what it is not
  • Discovering the 3 key steps to a compelling Personal Brand
  • Identify the benefits of having a clear Personal Brand
  • Getting started with 3 practical tools and tips to stand out


Gain clarity on what are the ingredients of your personal brand on how they support your positioning and leadership,
Practice a model that will help you express your Unique Promise of Value, develop your visibility within your activities, and be seen by those who need to know about you
Become more confident to be the professional you want to be

Useful information:
The connection instructions will be sent to you by e-mail the day before the event.
Your registration will allow you to view the webinar offline, even if you can not attend it live.


Online registration required, on the right column of the site

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Wednesday 8 April 2020
12:15 - 13:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 6th April
  • Free Life long member alumn, student
    Non member alumn

  • 30 € External

Registration closed
Nathalie BARON
Professional certified coach, strategist and facilitator
Unique Pathways

Nathalie is a professional certified coach, strategist and facilitator in the fields of career management, personal branding and leadership since more than 15 years. Her mandates lead her to intervene in various sectors (services, industries, pharma, biotech, hospitals, NGO ...) and at different levels in the organization. Working in French and English, her passion is to inspire, reveal and mobilize the potential and talents of her clients to help them design meaningful careers as well as develop their interpersonal skills and an authentic leadership style. After a Master in Economics and Social Sciences and a post-graduate degree in International Management, Nathalie has worked for 10 years as a Purchase and Sales Manager in Retail. That experience lead her to want to better understand and explore what it takes to create meaningful careers, develop constructive professional relationships, effective communication skills and self-confidence, and she becomes a Corporate Trainer. She gets trained in Transactional Analysis, certified in Co-Active Coaching, Personal Branding and Women’s Leadership coaching, amongst other professional development courses. In 2016, she creates her own business to develop and offer innovative programmes to companies and individuals in the field of career and leadership development, programmes that respond to new paradigms and emerging issues in the corporate world. With a professional style that sets her apart: enthusiasm, positivity, insight and a reassuring personal investment, Nathalie supports Managers, Executives and Solopreneurs to thrive and succeed in their professional projects.



Wednesday 8 April 2020
12:15 - 13:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 6th April
  • Free Life long member alumn, student
    Non member alumn

  • 30 € External

Registration closed
  • Add to my calendar