Events calendar

Afterwork in Shanghai : Entrepreneurship in China

Please join us to meet your alumni community :

Thursday April, 23th 2015
from 7:30 pm to 9pm
Venue :
Shari, in Shanghai
630 Yongjia Lu, near Wulumuqi Lu

As a continuity to the pitching approach, we will propose a new theme focusing on “Entrepreneurship in China”. We are delighted to announce that 3 of alumni will be sharing their experiences and views on their next steps.

Looking forward to meeting you there!

Your local contacts :
- Josselin ROULET (SKEMA class of 2012):
- Jean-Baptiste Heissat (SKEMA class of 2004):
- Vincent Sommer (SKEMA class of 2006) :     


Registration is mandatory before Monday, April the 20th 



Find your SKEMA Alumni China community on Facebook facebook
Joignez-vous à nous pour rencontrer la communauté d'anciens élèves :
Thursday 23 April 2015
19:30 - 21:00
Registration deadline : 20th April
200000 Shanghai
  • Free

Registration closed

200000 Shanghai

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Hengshan Rd, 3 mins. walk

Thursday 23 April 2015
19:30 - 21:00
Registration deadline : 20th April
200000 Shanghai
  • Free

Registration closed
  • 25 registrants
  • Add to my calendar