Events calendar

APEC workshop: Valuing the strengths of your senior experience

Professional Development Webinar

Find out how to overcome prejudices about yourself, identify your key skills and the assets of your senior experience, benefit from a method for making a powerful presentation and test your pitch to progress!


You have more than 10 years of professional experience left,

you are a highly experienced executive who wants to make the most of your extensive professional experience,

you are currently employed, or looking for a job, with or without a defined professional project.


At the end of the workshop or web workshop, you'll leave with concrete, practical elements that you can put to use:

  • You'll have identified your main hardskills and softskills,
  • You'll have a method for creating a convincing presentation that can be transposed to your application tools (CV, covering letter, Apec Profile),
  • You will have had the opportunity to assess your convincing power and your areas for improvement in order to convince companies and recruiters alike.

You will shortly receive the connection link.

Wednesday 15 January 2025
12:30 - 13:30 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 13th January
Online event
  • Free Graduates
    Young graduates

Registration closed
Catherine EHRHART

Consultante en Développement Professionnel chez Apec

Wednesday 15 January 2025
12:30 - 13:30 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 13th January
Online event
  • Free Graduates
    Young graduates

Registration closed
  • 33 registrants
  • Add to my calendar