Calendar of events

Conference "From CRM to DMP: real time and multichannel

How can we capitalize on digital data on browsing, mobile usage and social networks to optimize marketing?
How can CRM data on identified customers be combined with anonymous visitor data to improve the ROI of advertising budgets or targeted campaigns?

From CRM to DMP: in a short space of time, the center of gravity of data-driven marketing has shifted from the CRM, which compiles customer data to create a 360° view, to the DMP. These Digital Marketing Platforms (or Data Management Platforms, depending on the school) extend the notion of people to anonymous visitors and all traces of their digital interactions (page views, location, reaction to a banner, etc.).
These platforms not only manage interactions in delayed time, but also in real time: RTB (real time bidding), interfaces to DSPs (Demand Side Platforms) and SSPs (Sell Side Platforms), personalization of the customer experience on the web, contextualization of mobile interactions...

Soft Computing invites you to a free seminar that will address the most frequently asked questions:

How to divide functions between DMP and CRM? Who are the main solution providers? Where to consolidate data? How can DMP and CRM tools be coupled? What data should be exchanged between DMP and CRM? What is the legal framework? What are the criteria and limits for choosing between first-party and third-party? Multi-tenant outsourced DMP, in-house DMP or hybrid solution? What flows with related fields such as DSP, SSP, EMA? What are the steps to successful implementation?

11:00 am - Welcome of participants
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Seminar
- CRM and DMP: overview of software, data and functions
- CRM and DMP coupling: distribution of roles and data
- Case study: personalizing navigation based on CRM data, targeted marketing bounce-back on cart abandonment
- Implementation: project, organization, skills, costs, deadlines, ROI.
- 12:30 pm: Lunch and cocktail

Soft Computing
165 avenue de Bretagne
Bat Leblan Laffont | 59000 Lille

For further information, please contact Armelle Le Guennec on 01 73 00 55 00 or (please specify that you are a SKEMA graduate).

> Go to registration form

Friday 6th June 2014
11h00 - 13h30
165 avenue de Bretagne
59000 Lille

Registration closed


165 avenue de Bretagne
59000 Lille
Friday 6th June 2014
11h00 - 13h30
165 avenue de Bretagne
59000 Lille

Registration closed
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