Calendar of events

Screening of the film SKEMA GLOBE STOPPEUR: The world within thumb’s reach!

A 90-minute summary of an extraordinary human adventure:
A 40,000 km world tour with camera in hand, hitchhiking alone
to meet SKEMA alumni!

Discover the film and meet Benjamin Ferre (SK 2014):

Tuesday 14 October 2014
on SKEMA’s Lille campus
6 pm - Amphitheatre A






Cross borders, discover their history, share stories, and travel! Accounts from more than 20 alumni who chose to live differently and abroad.


Benjamin Ferre will be present and the film screening will be followed by a cocktail reception.

Tuesday 14th October 2014
18h00 - 21h00
Registration deadline : 13th October
SKEMA Business School
Avenue Willy Brandt
59777 Lille
  • Free

Registration closed

SKEMA Business School

Avenue Willy Brandt
59777 Lille
Tuesday 14th October 2014
18h00 - 21h00
Registration deadline : 13th October
SKEMA Business School
Avenue Willy Brandt
59777 Lille
  • Free

Registration closed
  • 110 registered
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