Calendar of events

Global perspectives: Understanding French and United Arab Emirates Workplace Cultures

Professional Development Webinar

This event will be in English


Do you have an opportunity to work in the United Arab Emirates? Have you just moved there and would like to integrate more quickly into your professional life?

Or, on the contrary, after spending most of your professional life in the Emirates, you'd like to work in Europe and are wondering about the workings and intercultural differences in the workplace?



In an increasingly globalized business world, understanding cultural differences is essential to fostering effective and harmonious collaborations.

This webinar explores the intercultural nuances between France and the Emirates, with a focus on the city of Dubai, offering valuable insights for professionals.


This month, Imad Daou (SKEMA Global MBA 2023),
Managing Director at Nokia and Korek Accounts, and Walid El Bqaq, (SKEMA PGE 2020), Transactions Manager at Coldwell Banker, will share their experiences and points of view.



SKEMA graduates



The login link will be sent to you a few days before the event.

Thursday 10th October 2024
12h00 - 13h00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 9th October
Online event
  • Free Graduates

Imad DAOU (MBA, 2023)
Walid EL BQAQ (PGE, 2020)
Thursday 10th October 2024
12h00 - 13h00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 9th October
Online event
  • Free Graduates

  • 2 registered
  • Add to my calendar