

SPOTTED IN THE PRESS: Antoine Jouteau (SKEMA 1998), Leboncoin, the anti-Amazon marketplace that is loved by the French!

17 December 2020 Course

Leboncoin is the anti-Amazon. While one has gambled everything on members selling things right at their doorstep to real flesh-and-blood people with all the uncertainty that involves, the other has opted for a merchant site that is cold and impersonal, yet dangerously effective. And actually, the French love one as much as the other. "Amazon represents 140 million euros’ worth of transactions per year in France, and Leboncoin, 110 million", says Antoine Jouteau (SKEMA 1998), CEO of the latter. When he arrived in 2009, the startup had 5 employees. It now has 1,450 and in March this year they relocated to brand new offices in rue des Jeûneurs, right in the centre of Paris. Read the article (in French)



