Events calendar

Guerre des talents et rétention : Quelles stratégies adopter, en particulier auprès des jeunes générations ?
SKEMA Alumni Round Table
L’évolution comportementale des collaborateurs représente un enjeu de taille pour les organisations : qualité de vie, intégration du télétravail, diversité, inclusion, égalité, écologie, montée en compétences, transformation digitale des entreprises. Les phénomènes de grande démission et démission silencieuse ne font qu’accentuer cette révolution professionnelle. Comment les entreprises s’adaptent-elles à ce nouveau mindset et ces nouveaux comportements ? Quels enseignements en tirent-elles ? Et quelles stratégies mettent-elles en place pour attirer et fidéliser leurs talents ?
SKEMA proposera aux participants de découvrir pendant ce moment privilégié les résultats d’une étude menée par SKEMA, EY et OpinionWay, présentés par Amine Ezzerouali, Directeur du Programme MSc International HR and Performance Management.
Cette keynote sera suivie d’une table ronde permettant de débattre de ces enjeux stratégiques pour les entreprises.
Programme :
18H15 : Accueil
18H45 : début de la conférence, keynote d’Amine Ezzerouali : Academic Director, MSc International HR and Performance Management
19H : témoignages de dirigeants et experts
20H : conclusion et questions-réponses
20H15 : cocktail
21H30 : fin d’évènement
See all events
See replay
Tuesday 7 February 2023
- 21:30
(GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 1st February
Event organised in person and online
SKEMA Campus Grand Paris
5 Quai Marcel Dassault
Free External companion (face-to-face)
Graduates (distance learning)
External companion (distance learning)
Registration closed

Expert in human resources.
Education: Master 2 in Management SKEMA, Master 2 in Human Resources Université Panthéon Assas
Career: HR Trainee Celio (2003). L'Oréal : HR Learning for Development : L'Oréal Luxe (2005), Deputy HR Manager Garnier Plant (2006), HR Manager L'Oréal Consumer Products Division (2007), HR Director L'Oréal Paris France (2010), Recruitment Director CPD / Talent Acquisition CPD (2012), HR Director Portugal (2014), Western Europe HRD (2016), Human Resources Director Professional Products Division International (2018), Global VP of HR Digital, CMO and ecommerce.
"When people of all identities, cultures and backgrounds are accepted and valued , this makes for better companies and stronger communities . Diverse teams with diverse perspectives are more adept at understanding different ideals of beauty , serving a diverse range of consumers and seizing opportunities . Diversity & inclusion fuels the innovation, inspiration and ambition that helps us to create. "

Talent & Culture Director - International Development Division, Thales.
Aurélie began her career with the Thales Group immediately after completing her studies. Since then, and thanks to the incredible diversity of activities within Thales, she has held several Human Resources positions in Business Units such as submarine systems, broadcasting and multimedia, communications and security, air traffic management and avionics.
In 2016, she joined the Engineering management team at Group level to support the deployment of the Engineering performance plan, being the Human Resources Business Partner for Engineering.
In October 2019, following the acquisition of Gemalto, she took on the responsibility of Human Resources Business Partner for the Identity & Biometric Solutions (IBS) Business Units for 2 years, with a particular focus on the integration of this new activity within Thales.
For the past year, she has had the pleasure of leading the talent and culture development activities for the Thales International organization.

Sophie LAURENCIN, a French national, is a human resources leader and organizational development expert with over 22 years' experience acquired mainly in the banking sector, first with the Société Générale Group, where she developed a strong perspective and expertise of the European and Asian markets, then with La Banque Postale Group since 2019 as Head of Talent.
Trained as a coach in Asia and in organizational development in the United States with the "NTL Institute for applied behavioral science" Washington D.C. she has designed compelling transformation strategies and successfully led and implemented innovative development and change programs for senior executives, executive committee members, future talent and HR professionals in the banking and insurance sector across regions and cultures.
Certified in a wide range of development tools such as Appreciative Inquiry, MBTI, Extended DISC or the Enneagram, she not only provides the organization she supports with inspiring and innovative new perspectives, but embodies and demonstrates in her personality and behaviors what she conveys.

Talent Acquisition Manager , Center of Excellence, PERNOD RICARD HQ
- Education: Master 2 PGE SKEMA, MSc Entrepreneurship & Innovation SKEMA (Double Degree)
- Career: Senior Consultant APAC - MICHAEL PAGE (Singapore, 2017-2019 then Taiwan 2019-2021), Talent Acquisition Manager - PERNOD RICARD (Paris, 2021-now)
- Fluent in French, English & Chinese Mandarin
- International Talent Acquisition & Business Development track record in France, Singapore and Taiwan
- Industries expertise include Luxury Retail, Technology, Wine & Spirits, FMCG
SKEMA Campus Grand Paris
5 Quai Marcel Dassault92150 Suresnes