Events calendar

MBTI (Paris)
SKEMA Alumni Performances Workshop
For many years now, the MBTI has been widely used in organizations, as managers and employees appreciate its usefulness in solving organizational, management and communication problems.
In addition to increased self-understanding and personal development, using the MBTI enables you to become more aware of and deal more effectively with various issues in your professional sphere, including : conflict management, decision-making, implementing and managing organizational change, recognition and stress management, team development, leadership and communication coaching, and managerial style.
Target group : All
\- An accessible approach to Carl Gustav Jung's psychological types and the psychological differences that lead to differences in behavior
- Becoming familiar with the MBTI
Points covered :
\- The Jungian functions and attitudes that underlie our behavior
- Determining one's psychological type
- Using knowledge of one's type :
- In professional life
- In personal development
>>> The MBTI questionnaire enriches the process of getting to know yourself and your preferences, a necessary step in working on your management style, conflict management and communication.
Prior to the workshop, you will receive an individual invitation by e-mail with your login and password to take the questionnaire online (takes between 30 and 45 minutes). Completion of the questionnaire ( €31) is included in the workshop registration fee.
Hosted by: José Miguel SEPULVEDA and Florence NETTER
A Human Resources professional for almost 20 years, with expertise in RPO, Florence began her career with major companies before moving into private practice.
A graduate of the ISG business school with experience acquired both in France and abroad, she now works withToday, she works with company directors (mainly SMEs) as a recruitment consultant or in her own practice (helping them to negotiate recruitment or departure - whether voluntary or involuntary - assisting with transition or taking up a new post, team building).
MBTI/Golden, TMS, Sosie and Strong certified, she is also a graphologist, graduate of the Société Française de Graphologie (SFDG) and the Groupement des Graphologues Conseils de France (GGCF), member of ANDRH and administrator of the Club des Chasseurs de Têtes.
José Miguel is a skills assessment and development consultant with Experis Executive, and is also trained in coaching (Mozaik International). For the past 15 years, he has been involved in internal mobility (identifying high potentials, succession plans, etc.) and assisting people to take up new positions. He also runs management and team-building seminars for a number of companies. Certified MBTI/Golden, LEAD-R, Papi, Sosie, 16PF5, Neopi_R, Firo-B, 360°, SkillExplorer, intellectual aptitude tests. He is also responsible for the "Personal Development, Management & Leadership" course in the MBA Marketing & Health Communication program at IAE Paris Sorbonne. He is co-author of the book "Révélez vos talents" (Liaisons Sociales editions).
"An enriching workshop that deserves to be deepened by an individual interview!" - Ophélie S., SK 2006
"Good discussions, illustrated by numerous examples. You come away with lots of questions about yourself and lots of areas to work on. Speakers available for personal requests." - Marie-Anne C., SK 2012
"At any point in their career a person needs to know themselves in order to adapt to others but also in their communication and management. This workshop provides these dimensions." - Barbara M., SK 2010
Online registration and payment required, on the right-hand column of the site!
The workshop must start at 6:45 p.m. to allow time for questions and answers.
For further information, please contact Meige RIVET
See all events
Tuesday 10 May 2016
- 21:30
Registration deadline : 3rd May
Espace Trinité
3 rue de la Trinité
40 €
45 €
Registration closed
Espace Trinité
3 rue de la Trinité75009 Paris
Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)
Metro: Trinité-D'Estienne d'Orves / Saint-Lazare / Auber