
Benoît Giorsetti (SKEMA 2011)
Meet your Luxury Business Club Ambassador
Could you tell us a little about your journey since graduating from SKEMA Business School and what motivated you to become an ambassador of the SKEMA Alumni Luxury Club?
After graduating from SKEMA in 2011, I accepted a position in the retail industry in Hong Kong. Both environments were completely new to me: I wasn’t very familiar with the retail sector and I'd never been to Hong Kong. Daring to try something new and explore new horizons was probably the best decision I’ve ever made. I ended up spending a decade in that city, working in various roles in the luxury goods industry.
On my return to France, it seemed only natural to give something back to our alumni community and current SKEMA students by becoming an ambassador for our Luxury Club.
As ambassador, how do you plan to bring energy and life to the Luxury Club? Can you share any ideas for initiatives or for events you’d like to run?
My fellow ambassadors and I are motivated to create real momentum within our community, by reaching out to all those who are passionate about the luxury goods industry. Our ambition is to host events around relevant themes and invite high-profile guests to come and speak to our community.
We also plan to run several online events and hope to organise an in-person event in the near future.
What message would you like to send to our alumni to encourage them to join and become actively involved in the SKEMA Alumni Luxury Club?
Our message is simple: we want all alumni to join our community and contribute to maintaining SKEMA's spirit of knowledge sharing. Sharing best practices and experiences can benefit everyone and go beyond the luxury sector.