
Discover SKEMA Publika, the SKEMA Business School think tank

14 November 2022 School

Launched in digital form last February and then during SKEMA Business School’s press conference in March, SKEMA Publika is an independent international think tank. Its aim is “to produce accessible international thought far from formatted conventions, to fuel public debate and better enlighten national and international policymakers.” Here is a review of SKEMA Publika’s first six months of existence.


The EYES report and its spin-off analyses 

Published at the time of our launch, the EYES (Emergy Youth Early Signs) report captures the opinions of young people from around the world on five social issues: traditional media and the press, social media, new technologies, security, and the world of work.  Variants of the EYES report were then produced for each country (France, Brazil, United States) and a specific publication focused on international youth at work


Interdisciplinary publications drawing on the expertise of SKEMA’s researchers

Our publications cover different topics, always in connection with public policy.


Artificial intelligence

In April 2022, we published a policy paper entitled “Artificial Intelligence: A Political Subject. The Main World Powers and the Place for France Among Them”, which provides recommendations based on the findings of the study carried out by professors Ludovic Dibiaggio, Mohamed Keita and Lionel Nesta. This research was presented to several French members of parliament and to certain stakeholders in the private sector.

In June 2022, Rodolphe Desbordes, Professor of Economics, wrote a note entitled “How Can Public Authorities Use Big Data to Serve the General Interest?”. Following this, an interview between Claude Revel and Rodolphe Desbordes was released on the same topic.

In September 2022, after participating in the “Artificial Intelligence: Legal and Economic Challenges in the Information Society” conference held in Paris on 13 October 2022 and organised by the MBA / Master 2 in Business Law and Management alumni association of University Paris II - Panthéon-Assas, Claude Revel published the note entitled “Does AI Challenge the Competitive Strategies of the Public and Private Sectors?”



That same month, we launched our first podcast in audio and video format. Following their geopolitical and economic analyses of the war in Ukraine, Frederic Munier, Professor of Geopolitics, and Laurent Ferrara, Professor of International Economics, each shared their thoughts on the Ukrainian conflict, providing a fresh perspective on this war. This video interview is available for viewing on the SKEMA Publika website. Frederic Munier’s insights were actually relayed by certain French media outlets, including the weekly magazine Marianne. In June, he published a second article, “Could the War in Ukraine Escalate Out of Control?”, in which he shared a new development in the evolution of the conflict. 



In September 2022, a few weeks shy of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, Simon Chadwick, Professor of Sport and Geopolitical Economy, published a new article on the role of symbols in international football competitions. In it, he examines their interpretation and asks who holds the moral compass in this area.

A few days before the World Cup kick-off, we will be publishing a groundbreaking report by Simon Chadwick entitled "Qatar’s Hosting of the FIFA Men’s World Cup – The Issues and Challenges Ahead". This report will discuss the geopolitical, political and social repercussions of this event staged in a Middle Eastern country for the first time.


Our events 

  • SKEMA Publika launch on the Belo Horizonte campus

As part of an internal launch event, we presented the think tank, along with the note on Brazil derived from the EYES report, to a group of Brazilian students and professors from the Belo Horizonte campus.

  • “International Youth at Work”, a conference with UNIDO held in Brussels on 20 May 2022

Organised jointly with UNIDO Brussels, this conference followed on from the note about work. The event, entitled "International Youth and the Corporate World: the Great Distrust", was held on 20 May 2022 in Brussels in the presence of Patrick Gilabert, head of the UNIDO office in Brussels, Claude Revel, Director of SKEMA Publika, and Xavier Demaison, a co-author of the EYES report and the CEO and co-founder of Antidox, a firm specialised in processing big data. 

During the conference, hosted by Patrick Gilabert, Sarah Vallée, Project Officer at SKEMA Publika presented the findings of the note analysing youth at work and derived from the EYES report. 

The discussion between the various parties then continued in a round table composed of: 

  • Pablo Cornide, Policy Officer - Youth Employment at the European Commission;
  • Beatrice Richez-Baum, Director General of ecoDa;
  • Raquel Torres Prol, Vice President at JEUNE (Young Entrepreneurs Organization of the European Union);
  • Thomas Ruspil, a student at SKEMA Business School and the former president of the association PourParlers. 
  • “Finance durable : gouvernance et métrique” (Sustainable Finance: Governance and Metrics), a conference being held in Paris on 25 November 2022 with Bpifrance

The aim of this conference is to provide some answers to the new paradigms of sustainable governance, in a context of increasing national and international rules and standards. 


Guest speakers (in order of appearance):

Mr. Dhafer Saïdane will present the Sustainable Performance Index (SPI), a new impact measurement tool aimed at organisations.


Other events on geopolitical and sports-related subjects are being developed.

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