
Apprenticeship Tax: What's Changing in 2023

09 March 2023 School

The campaign for the collection of the 2023 apprenticeship tax (“taxe d’apprentissage”) has begun and we would be delighted to be able to count on your support as regards your commitment to SKEMA Business School.


As a committed player, SKEMA is planning a new way of teaching, to enable young talents to respond more fully to today's economic, societal and environmental challenges.


By deciding to allocate the amount of your apprenticeship tax to your school, you will participate in: 

  • Funding our various positive impact activities, in line with the school's strong commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility, particularly through our social grants in collaboration with SKEMA Giving, which works to promote equal opportunities. 
  • Developing innovative teaching methods supported by the latest technologies, like collective intelligence platforms and augmented or virtual reality features, as well as growing our educational initiatives by adding transdisciplinary disciplines that complement management. 
  • Supporting the KARE initiative: a scheme dedicated to psychological support for students and their improved well-being. KARE is also the entry point for students with disabilities who require special assistance and arrangements. 
  • Educating students on the ethical and responsible use of digital tools. You will support student projects mobilising digital technologies and intended for players in the social and solidarity economy. 
  • Implementing a scope 3 carbon footprint and an energy efficiency plan aiming to reduce energy consumption by 10% starting in 2023. 

The payment of the amount of the apprenticeship tax is changing in 2023. To simplify the process, companies will now have the apprenticeship tax amount directly deducted by URSSAF/MSA on 5 or 15 May 2023.


Here are the steps to follow to allocate your share of the apprenticeship tax to SKEMA Business School: 

  1. Fill in the pledge form
  2. The amount of the apprenticeship tax will be deducted directly by URSSAF/MSA on 5 or 15 May following your Déclaration Sociale Nominative (electronic payroll report). It is thus no longer necessary to send us your payment by bank transfer or cheque.
  3. Log on to SOLTéA (access via Net Entreprises) and choose SKEMA for your apprenticeship tax starting from May 25. Without this step, we will not receive your payment.
  4. Validate your choice of allocation on SOLTéA by 6 July.

If you would like to support SKEMA by paying it your apprenticeship tax, please go to


For further information, please contact