
Discover the Women Leadership programme!

18 July 2023 Career

“I wanted to gain some perspective and I’m used to taking courses regularly. Plus, Go Capital has signed a charter that commits us to having women make up at least 40% of our investor headcount and top management by 2030. So I pushed the women on the team to take this course and I did it too, as a member of the board. I have no regrets; it helped me boost my self-esteem and overcome the famous “imposter syndrome”. This course also enabled me to identify the barriers we place on ourselves in an often male-dominated environment.”
Aude Kermarrec, General Secretary at Go Capital.
Excerpt from a Décideurs Magazine article dated 11 October 2022


The SKEMA Executive Education Women Leadership programme is for women from all sectors who wish to develop their assertiveness and their leadership skills with high-level experts. 


Some key objectives of the programme:

  • Identify and understand gender biases in order to overcome them
  • Develop an awareness of one’s legitimacy
  • Learn to communicate assertively and manage difficult moments 
  • Develop the ability to influence; act and think like a leader

This programme draws on the expertise of:

  • Stephanie Chasserio, Associate Dean of Academy at SKEMA Business School and Co-holder of the Women in Business Chair.  
  • Michel Ferrary, Affiliated Professor at SKEMA Business School, head of the SKEMA Observatory on the Feminisation of Companies, and a former member of France’s High Council for Gender Equality. 

SKEMA’s pedagogy centres on role play enabling participants to immediately begin their personal transformation. 


Total duration: 3 days, including two days of in-person training in Paris

For more information, please contact Céline Brocard by phoning + 33 (0)4 93 95 32 48 or emailing


As a SKEMA alumni, you are entitled to a 20% discount on short courses and courses leading to certification.