
Guillaume Babin (SKEMA 2018), Ambassador of the Dubai Chapter

13 November 2024 Interview

Could you tell us a little about your journey since graduating from SKEMA Business School and what motivated you to become an ambassador of the SKEMA Alumni Dubai Chapter?


I've been working in the financial markets for 15 years as a multi-asset derivatives sales manager covering financial institutions, retail and corporate clients in the MENA region.

The start of my career was complicated, because I graduated in 2008, in the middle of the crisis caused by the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Thankfully, I was able to turn to the SKEMA alumni network, which gave me with invaluable information on different sectors and allowed me to build a solid and diverse network.

But at the time, there were limited networking opportunities for SKEMA alumni in Dubai, because there weren’t many of us yet. With the school’s support, we started organising events where the local alumni could connect with each other. It was my desire to develop this network that led me to take on the role of ambassador. I'm very grateful to have been part of this community since 2013, and I appreciate the fact that SKEMA values the long-term impact that these relationships and this brand can have.

As ambassador, how do you plan to bring energy and life to the Dubai chapter? Can you share any ideas for initiatives or for events you’d like to run?


Since the opening of the SKEMA campus in Dubai this year, the local chapter has become a lot more dynamic. We play a key role in connecting alumni and students, to facilitate internships that are rewarding for both parties. Our ambition is to organise high-quality professional events where the alumni can share their expertise in different sectors (finance, marketing, fashion and luxury, etc.) with a targeted audience of students. The presence of a local campus means that we now have a professional infrastructure at our disposal, which helps to bring down the cost of holding events.


What message would you like to send to our alumni to encourage them to join and become actively involved in the SKEMA Alumni Dubai Chapter?


Joining the SKEMA Alumni Dubai Chapter is not only a great way to reconnect with old friends, it also gives you a good overview of the alumni network across different sectors and keeps you updated on the school's strategy. With a goal of welcoming 1,500 students within the next three years, this campus is becoming one of SKEMA's most dynamic and it is a pillar in the school's strategy to connect East and West from a central location. To be part of this chapter is to be part of a great success story as you develop your own business network and recall fond memories of your time at the school.

It's incredible to see how our paths sometimes cross again, even after 15 years without contact, and to pick up conversations as if they happened yesterday. This is the power of the SKEMA network, and it will be even more powerful with you in it!