
Marvellous back-to-school parties in Lille and Sophia Antipolis
"A wonderfully warm and friendly evening, and a real pleasure to meet up again with the school's alumni! The event boosted my sense of belonging to SKEMA."
This is what you could call the "back-to-school effect". On 28 September, the SKEMA Lille and Sophia Antipolis back-to-school parties were held at the Mama Shelter and the Mouratoglou respectively, in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. No fewer than 130 alumni had the chance to meet and catch up with each other, and discover the latest news and projects at the school.
It was also an opportunity for ambassadors, club members and SKEMA Ventures to take the floor throughout the evening. A warm and lively setting, ideal for welcoming new alumni.
"Excellent speeches, and alumni who all share the same vision of exchanging experiences, meeting new people and networking."
Many thanks to our alumni and committed ambassadors: Aurélie Bonnardel (SKEMA 2005), Alice André (SKEMA 2019), Gery Lesaffre (SKEMA 1987), Johan Mallet (SKEMA 2008), Amaury Dumetz (SKEMA 2019), Justine Thiriez (SKEMA 2011), Henri Bervick (SKEMA 2010), Franck Hanoh (SKEMA 1990), Xavier Trüb (SKEMA 1994), Xavier Gendron (SKEMA 1995), Marie-Aude Tran (SKEMA 2014) and Raphaël Robil (SKEMA 2007).
"I'm very proud to belong to the network of this fine school, which has grown and developed so well."
A touching final word that reflects the spirit of this close-knit community.
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