
Sophia Syed (SKEMA 2022), Ambassador of the Singapore Chapter

20 November 2024 Interview

Could you tell us a little about your journey since graduating from SKEMA Business School and what motivated you to become an ambassador of the SKEMA Alumni Singapore Chapter?


After graduating from SKEMA, I moved to Singapore where I joined an investment fund specialising in private credit lending. I'm currently working as a business developer in the field of digital transformation and data.

What motivated me to become an ambassador for the local Singapore chapter was mainly the desire to give back to SKEMA what it has given me. My experience at SKEMA allowed me to travel the world during my studies, and I'm very grateful for those opportunities. I want to help welcome and support alumni arriving in Singapore to make them really feel part of our community.


As ambassador, how do you plan to bring energy and life to the Singapore Chapter? Can you share any ideas for initiatives or for events you’d like to run? 


My aim is to work with the other two ambassadors of our local Singapore chapter, to organise regular events and get-togethers. I also want to keep an eye out for relevant events organised in Singapore that we could attend as a community.

Some ideas for events:

  • Monthly after-work meetups
  • A party to celebrate National Day
  • A Christmas get-together
  • An end-of-year party
  • A Chinese New Year celebration
  • A French culture themed event

What message would you like to send to our alumni to encourage them to join and become actively involved in the SKEMA Alumni Singapore Chapter?


I strongly encourage them to join us, because it’s a great way to stay connected with other alumni and to expand their professional network. The SKEMA Alumni Singapore Chapter is like a small family away from home. We all share the same values stemming from our school and it’s always enriching to learn about each other’s unique experiences.