
Reconnecting: the Shanghai alumni gather for an exceptional evening together

07 March 2022 Events

On 2 March, the members of Shanghai’s SKEMA Alumni community organised a dinner to get meetups going again between SKEMA Business School’s alumni in Shanghai. After nearly two years with no social activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this first event drew some forty participants.

Alumni from the classes of 1984 to 2021 were represented at this dinner organised in collaboration with the Suzhou campus and our alumni ambassador Caroline Xing (SKEMA 2004). There were a range of profiles, from entrepreneurs to heads of international companies. The casual and festive event was held at a restaurant called Ombra, in the presence of Matthieu Dumont, an alumnus of the Class of 2011 but also the Suzhou campus director, who presented some news about the school. Between catching up and networking, participants also got to listen to a very interesting presentation by our alumnus Chris Rui Zhou (SKEMA 2006), cross-cultural design creator and fashion columnist, on the topic of livestreaming and lifestyle branding.


The feedback on the night was very positive; everyone was thrilled about activities starting up again. Josselin Roulet (SKEMA 2013) had this to say: “I was thrilled to be able to chat about the last few months that have kept some away from their families but brought them closer to friends and fellow alumni. Over a very nice dinner, we got to meet new people and learn about the journey of a student of Tarek Amyuni (Head of MSc FMI at SKEMA Sophia Antipolis) and Mister Bouchet several years back. The community is increasingly supportive but also very much focused on business opportunities between France and China.”


A big thank you to all participants and also to the organisers, Caroline Xing, Jinglei Sun and Audrey Touyon. See you very soon for some new events!