
Philippe Pierlot (SKEMA 2022), Ambassador of the Lyon chapter

12 November 2024 Interview

Could you tell us a little about your journey since graduating from SKEMA Business School and what motivated you to become an ambassador of the SKEMA Alumni Lyon Chapter?


After my studies, I was lucky enough to spend 4 years abroad in Central Asia. In 2011, I returned to my hometown of Lyon, where I held various positions in finance departments. I've now been working as a freelance CFO for 1 year.
Since my return to Lyon, in addition to many of the good times I’ve had in this city, the alumni network has brought me a lot: my first clients and a rich and diversified network in the metropolitan area.

Since the COVID crisis, the Lyon chapter had lost momentum and I felt it was time to give something back to the network that had given me so much, by becoming an ambassador.


As ambassador, how do you plan to bring energy and life to the Lyon chapter? Can you share any ideas for initiatives or for events you’d like to run?


We've already started by taking over the communication channels (WhatsApp, LinkedIn). We want to spread our culture of exchange within the chapter in a climate of trust. We mainly use LinkedIn to facilitate discussions.

We want to become a main point of contact between professionals in the region, and provide key information on what is happening in our part of France.


What message would you like to send to our alumni to encourage them to join and become actively involved in the SKEMA Alumni Lyon Chapter?


Don’t hesitate - do it! We're lucky to have upwards of 1,200 alumni in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, with a wide variety of profiles. Everyone can help out, as their schedule allows! We divide up the tasks according to our areas of expertise and preferences, so don't hesitate to come and make your own contribution.